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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I met this man while running

I would best describe this morning's run as a one hour poo-shower. My first 6o minuter in ..well ages actually. But it is now done and I even managed a negative split (-3 mins over the back half hour..pretty happy with that given how hard it found it)
But that's not why I'm writing today.

You see, I met this guy on the last 1 km of my 9kms. It's NOT what you think!
So I was struggling through my last 2 kms or so ...just before the start of the last incline.., the one that starts just before Karrinyup road and heads down into Trigg beach..you know the one?
I chucked a quick glance over my shoulder to see if there were any bikes coming and instead I see this PUNK drafting on my tail. So I stepped on the gas baybeh, thinking that I would toast his badass and leave him in my wake.

Err...no. He accelerated and ran next to me. A quick peak sideways and he's a bloke in his 50s..grizzled, grey even - a beard, running VERY comfortably. I suspect he was either a super human or on the start of his run rather than on the end of it.

We ran together for a while. I was annoyed because I had to adjust my pace to keep up. I was listening to Mutemath (Electrify, for fellow fans..) and I had hoped they were enough to help me keep up with this guy. Who WAS he?

Then a strange thing happened. After a couple of minutes, I stopped caring and started enjoying the company of my anonymous pace-setter. A couple of times I feared he'd take off and leave me so I ripped an ear phone out and spluttered "See that black ute up ahead? That's me - can you stay with me till then?"

He smiled and nodded. He did stay with me, and when I slowed to a stop, he waved and wished me good luck .

What a champion! I can say categorically that everyone I have ever met through running has been the same. So encouraging, so happy to help, so keen to give you a leg up along the journey.
Even at my first half marathon at Darlington, where I finished 3rd last, a similar thing happened. A stranger ran with me for 25 mins or so, encouraging me, geeing me along and telling me to hang in there. Even the marshals on the road shouted encouragement at my right down to my dying moment.

I know I'm not a competitive runner and if I were things may be different, but that's not why I do it. I do it to keep fit and to keep sane. The generosity of spirit I have encountered is an added bonus and a fantastic inspiration.

Happy weekend folks...oh and happy 21st to Jessie D - gtmedia's fabulous intern. I promise to wear my highest heels tonight Jess, that is, if I can walk...

Chat soon

1 comment:

  1. Hey GT! Great blog post. I have a theory about who the guy was. If course you were struggling. It may have been He who helps you to finish the race. Just a thought.
