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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's true. Two really ARE better than one.

I know I did this big mea culpa last time we chatted but puh-lease. Cut a gal some slack.
Check this - in the last week - close family member had a heart attack; I was in a three way pile up in which a young man drove straight into the side (my side) of the ute; our new office flooded.

I don't reckon I'm being soft when I say I felt a bit stressed. But ! Good news, my great mate Michelle has brought me out of retirement. Well, a 4 week layoff. We're gonna run the HBF 14 race in May.

Here's the interesting thing about that. I don't know what you guys are like but I always preferred to run by myself. I loved the solitude, the fact I could go at my own pace, that kind of thing. But Michelle and I are in this together so for the first time in a long time, I have a running partner. And today I learned something...(which makes it a GREAT day)

We had a 45 flat mid paced run to knock off today but chose rolling hills instead. We are suckers for punishment. We got to the turn around point and there it is, the southerly...blasting away at 8.30 on a Saturday morning. Oh right! So that's why the first 4 ks felt incredible...talk about wind assisted.
Suffice to say, the run back was a right biatch. We struggled. The hills seemed higher, the road longer. But HERE's the thing. If Michelle had have been running right next to me, I undoubtedly would have stopped and walked. No question. I would have wimped out for sure. But I didn't. My friend and I chalked up our first negative split of this campaign under totally crappy conditions.
We celebrated by have a protein shake at my kitchen bench.

Good times!!

Love youse all

Oh and great news ! GP had his scan and the cancer is shrinking...it's looking much less grim. And BS is also on the up.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa...

I got an email from a long lost friend the other day and in it, he said "apologies that come with excuses are not apologies". So cop that GT. My apologies friends, it's been three weeks since my last confession...err...blog post. I have NO excuses. Zero. Zip. Nudda. Nil. I am on the verge of renaming this blog GT's rear grows exponentially each day...get the picture?
Where to start?
I write this from the charming surrounds of Melbourne's Qantas club, having just inhaled a kitkat and a glass of terribly nice McLaren Vale Shiraz. Note to self. Continuing down this path will realise my potential to turn into booze hag and read too many Woman's Days just to hear Lara Bingle tell "her story".
Second note to self. Three flights and three States of this grand country in one day, is a dumb idea. Repeat, dumb idea. Oops! Four states if you count arriving in the West.
Why am I here? Work.
We ran a national launch today for a fabulous client of ours and it was a roaring success. It's always flattering when the client insists on you making the trip to do the job yourself. It's a nod to the relationship we've built with them over the past four years.
I've said it before and I maintain that travelling for business, unless one is Beyonce, isn't something I covet. I do it because I need to and I am trying to do less of it. Not just because I miss home, but because sheesh it is HARD on the body baybeh...

So plane food..even at the pointy end, aint that flash. And the dehydration. And the lack of sleep. And the wah wah wah....listen. I'm not having a massive whinge for the sake of it, I'm actually acknowledging that people who do what I have done in the past 48 hours, on a regular basis, are amazing. Don't know how you do it. That's it - no chance I'm gonna be Prime Minster of Australia. No thanks. My client JN is amazing. He does 10 times my travel AND Training load. I honestly don't understand how he manages it. Is it just getting used to it? Is it just habit? Do I need a teaspoon of concrete?? Probably yes.

I took my runners on this trip and yesterday evening I went for a really long walk through the Botanic Gardens and around the harbour to the Opera House. By the way, am I the ONLY person who freaked out when I realized how many bats were hanging from the trees? Creeeeeepy.
But I digress. Again.
Historically, I don't function well without good sleep. By historically, I mean since my mamma pushed me out in 3.5 hours flat. I just neeeed my sleep. No sleep, not a happy GT. No sleep, GT finds it hard to function, let alone to train. Case in point? I just referred to myself in the third person.
So I am not, repeat, NOT doing Darlington this weekend. No dice. No chance. I am catching up with Budgey on Monday cause I need a program which is going to fit in with what is an incredibly busy period for us. We've just moved into our new gtmedia digs in Northbridge, I have a steady and growing number of speaking engagements on the cards, and growing number of our clients are coming from the east.
I can't afford to stop training. It's a non negotiable but my training load does have to be realistic and achievable otherwise, you know where I'll be? You got it. Curled up on the couch in front of Dr. Phil watching a weight loss special and shovelling CC's into my mouth at a rate of knots.

To mitigate that threat, I've got my first Kick Boxing lessing this Thursday night with a bloke who was a former Mr Australia and is a current Mui Thai blackbelt. Cue kick in the aforementioned expanding arse.

So here's the tip kids. Don't quit. If you need to tweak your training load, then do it because there's no better motivation than seeing results.

Promise I won't be away so long next time...

Love youse all!

Chat soon