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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love Life. Love it NOW!

So by now most of you would have heard me talk a bit about my friends GP and BS - both staring cancer in the face right now. By way of an update, GP is right in the thick of his fourth course of Chemo. It's s**t. We wait until there are more tests. Then we wait some more. It's cruel and it's heartbreaking. BS is doing better. All reports are positive.

So without being morose and melodramatic, because neither of these two people are, it HAS changed my perspective. I don't get as cranky about the dogs scratching my floorboards. I am a lot more thankful for small things. I don't care as much about what people may or may not think of me.

Which leads me to today. I ducked into Leederville this morning to have a quick breakfast at Cranked, and there she was. My 5 year old neice, out having breaky with her Dad..my big brother.

Get one thing straight. I ADORE this child. I love her beyond words. We have the best time together. So we have a good old chat and then she asks me if we can do our normal thing, which is where we lie down on the grass together outside of Cranked and take a photo on my blackberry. It's kind of how we roll. Now this usually happens after work on a weekend. Not first thing during peak hour when I'm all frocked up.

Ahh what the hell. I kicked off my shoes, hitched up my frock and lay down on the lawn with my niece. Strange looks? Who cares. Life is precious and so is she. Long after she's too cool to hang out with me on the lawn in my work frock, I will cherish this and so many other moments like it.

So that's how the day started. And it finished with a quick 7km around Lake Monger. I ended up a sweaty, happy mess after shaving 1 minute and a half off my 7km time.
It was also super fun because I drafted off my client (without know it was him) for half of that time...

Running around the lake is great fun because, if you actually take the time to notice, there is SO much going on. Like the bunch of school boys doing pre-season, TEARING around that lake as if there were free beer waiting for them at the end. Oh. Hang on...

Like ducks. Have you EVER noticed how ... functional they are? If I didn't believe in God as a creator, I would swear they were made at Ikea. I mean, all their bits just fold away neatly. Ingenious.

Like the bloke walking his two Great Danes. Man, those things were bigger than the first Shetland pony I ever rode.

Like the the really fast people who LOPE past me without so much as a puff, making me consider (albeit momentarily) how i can trip them up without getting caught.

So much to notice. So much to be thankful for and so much to love about life.

Chat soon.



  1. Great read mate...you sound like you have way more fun that I do running around Lake Monger haha......I must next time look at the ducks as my legs are collapsing around me haha.... I agree...so many moments and people to cherish...you are one of them x

  2. It was fun to draft you Gemma - anytime.
    Don't forget that awesomely pungent stench that wafted off the river - partly on account of those ducks!
