About Me

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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Things I love and hate about running.

Here's my list - feel free to add yours.

Things I Love
Wicked endorphins
Helps me clear my head and gives me space to think
De-stresses me
Gets me fit and strong
Gives me perspective
Shows me what my body can do
Increases my capacity at work
Easy to do, even when I'm traveling
Seeing lots of other, happy runners out on the track.

Things I Hate
Chafing from my bra and my heart rate monitor
Arguing with myself when the run gets hard
The easterly and the sea breeze, respectively
Shows me what my body can do
Wearing the wrong socks and getting a shocker of a blister
Getting a salt encrusted face.
When fast people run past me and they're not even puffed

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