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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby it aint over till it's over....

Good bye Busso, hello Darlington. Yep folks. I've been beaten by Gastro Gold. Yes ladies and gentlemen, not two, but four days of gastro. My crafty body lulled me into a false sense of security and I THOUGHT I was all better but then...ROUND TWO.
Half of Perth is down with this thing. So by my basic calculations, that would have left me with four weeks to get ready for the Busso half.
No. Dice.
But it's okay! Cause baby, it aint over till it's over (great song from the 90's). So it's straight to the hills for me....back to Darlington, the scene of my blooding as a runner.
I'm gonna spend the rest of the week seriously getting better...then, training starts again on Monday.
oh...p.s. How GREAT is summer! I am itching to get back out on the track between Trigg and Hillarys ...specially at first light and late in the afternoon when the sun is going down. You can't beat it.

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