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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ooooh ! A massage....?

You know when you tell someone you're going to have a massage and their eyes kind of glaze over? Or perhaps their pupils dilate and they kind of murmer involuntarily .."Oooh...a massage" like some kind off rhetorical question.
Well. I had a massage on Saturday. And it wasn't like that. No, it was about as relaxing as 12 years hard labour in a Chinese prison. Yeah. THAT kind of massage.
Langer, my husband, is a Chiropractor and God love him, he's got four awesome masseuses who work at his clinic. So I book in to see Kristie.
GT to Langer; "Is she any good? I've been really tight through the glutes and my left SI is really giving me grief?"
Langer to GT. "Yeah, she's strong."
Strong? STRONG? Saying that this woman is strong is like saying that Michael Jackson was a little eccentric. Kristie had me writhing on the table. I mean, if i could have levitated out from underneath her I would have. She dug into my glutes, she found so many knots in my back, it was like a workout just lying there.
Kristie to GT "You're quite the squirmer aren't you?"
GT "Ah, it's actually quite sore. Really sore to be honest."
Kristie to GT " Oh yeah, I can feel it. You're tight as. Your muscles are all stringy and they feel very twitchy to touch."
GT (in her brain) "Tell me something I DON'T know.."
An hour after it started, I was hobbling out of there, a broken shadow of my former self, chugging water like a schoolie downs beer. On Sunday, I woke up feeling like I did the time I took my horse to a three hour cross country clinic in 38 degree heat...sore from head to toe.
Kristie, oh Kristie...you have dished out a beating...
I whinged my way though Sunday, dreading have to get up today to run but then, a miracle.

As i strode out this morning, running was easier. My back was almost SINGING as I pounded the track between Trigg and Hilarys. All of that pain was, wait for it, worth it. And guess what? I'm going back for more.
The moral of the story? No idea. All I know is that pain is a symptom that something is not right. Taking a pill might make it go away but it will only mask the underlying problem for a short while. Running is an awesome way to burn fat and get fit, but it's also really tough on your body. So investing in some TLC for my muscles will become a regular event in my training diary, rather than something I do when I feel like I'm about to fall apart. Kristie can dish out the pain any old time.

Chat soon,


  1. Loving your writing mate....love getting my GT fix each week... nice work xx
