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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fully Pumped? Naaahh...half asleep!


I wish I could say I was fully pumped as I drove to my weights session. But I wasn't. I was half asleep.  I told Ryan (Suckling, my weights coach) that not only was I going to do Bussleton, I was going to do Darlington five week after that. His reaction? 

“Darlington?? Ooohhhh nasty.”
Err. As IF i need a reminder.

You see folks, that’s where it all began.  The scene of my almost-demise. I did my first half Marathon on April 13th 2008. The Darlington Half. The toughest run in WA according to Budgie (Andrew Budge) my running coach.

Why?  Well, to be honest, I was tricked...kind of.  Let me explain.

The week AFTER the race we met for coffee and cake (damn straight I ate cake) and I told him about my 22k of agony. How I made ALL the mistakes..not enough fuel or water. Went out too fast. Heart rate too high too early. 

I told him how I’d seriously considered getting a cab at the midway point.

I admitted cursing his name as I groveled through the first 8k of incline. You see, when the Budge had suggested Darlington, I didn't really have a concept of HOW hilly it was. I grew up on the coast where it is super flat.  He'd told me it was really nothing more than gentle inclines.  Errr...that's ONE way of describing Darlington.

And when I asked him why he chose this race, he said his answer was simple.

“You'll never do another half as tough as that one. Everyone will be easy compared to this.” 

I finished 3rd last I think, either that or second last. At the final drink station with 3k to go, I was begging the people for sugar. Anything. I couldn't speak properly and was beginning to hyperventilate. They wanted to retire me and told them to sod off, because I had come too far to quit. AND that the Budge would be so disappointed in me if I bailed out then...

So I walked/did the Cliff Young shuffle for the last, revolting, torturous three kms.  And there I spotted him. My darling husband. Standing  at the finish line, with a CAMERA.

I confess to swearing at him and threatening divorce if he didn't put it away. 

Then I crossed the finish line and burst into tears.

“Have you got any food ??” I sobbed.

And that  folks, is why I am going back to Darlington.  That is a record which is begging for correction. 


Just finished dinner of tuna, avocado and cucumber salad. It’s gonna be a loooong nine weeks.

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