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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What was I thinking ??

What was i thinking ?  

I am a runner.  I. Am. A. Runner.

It’s taken me a while not to feel like a massive fraud for saying that.  I guess I am though, albeit a bit of a jenny-come-lately.  In the past three years I’ve knocked off  two half marathons and a bunch of other short distance runs. So I guess that counts, right?

I’m not that quick and I reckon I look funny.   In my mind, I reckon I’m one of those people that, when someone sees them running, they say... “oh that poor girl...”  Madame la Mayor of Struggle Town.

I definitely don’t have a typical runner’s body either.  Oh man, no way.  Let’s just say I keep the good people at Berlei in business.  I feel lumbering, and I’m not that graceful BUT (and there’s always a but) running was my Everest.  The one thing I never thought I’d be able to conquer. So here I am again. How quickly I forgot?

I’m gonna do the Bussleton Half Marathon, followed by the Darlington Half Marathon. They’re about a month apart and Busso is nine weeks away.  To a good runner, it’s not that big of a deal but to me, well let’s just say it’s a big big big deal.  And you might be wondering why I am so bonkers.  I guess I’m stubborn. Wait, no, I AM stubborn.  I like to set goals and work to them.  And finally, so much has happened this year to remind my how short and precious life is, so why life a safe one?

A close mate of my husbands and mine is, as I type, in a fight for his life against a rotten and destructive cancer (is there ANY other kind?)  My close friend’s sister, a 39 year old mother of two little girls is in the middle of chemo that will either take her life or save it. 

So, I have kind of decided that it’s time to live a bigger, fuller life.  Because I can, and I am thankful that I can. 

You may be wondering what that has to do with running 22 ks in a row ...twice. In a month.  Well, cause it means I have to treat my body better. I have to be disciplined and I have to stick at it. All reasonably frightening prospects for someone like me. But more on that another day.

1 comment:

  1. My gorgeous friend you inspire me...I am now an official follower of GT running....

    I may just have to be there to cheer you over the finish line at Darlington :)

    Love ya

