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I am the ultimate Clayton's runner, but hey! At least I'm having a crack.

Friday, December 4, 2009


An easy 30 mins this morning. Or should I say "easier"...
My heart rate is starting to come down from outer space, always a good sign. And I'm not cursing the day I was born with every stride either. Give me another 10 days or so and I'll be right back where I need to be.

My dad, Bruno, always told me that nothing worth having comes easily. I'm always amazed at how easy it is to lose running fitness, especially after how long it takes to build it up.

Bruno also said the hardest thing about running is putting your shoes on in the morning. He's not bad for and old bloke! Mind you, he has his moments. The other day he phoned me all in a tizz, demanding to know if the Australian media had noticed that Kevin Rudd is more about spin than substance....I told him it was a massive conspiracy.

Another run tomorrow morning then a day off!

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